
We will be running a series of workshops during the 2023-24 on Tuesday evenings as part of our normal programme of weekly events. Here is an outline of what will be taking place, with more information added when available.

Share Some Images:

5 September

30 April

A chance for members to bring along a small portfolio of 3 images, either DPI or prints, to show to other members and discuss. There is no theme – bring any images you want to share.

We will organise into small groups on an informal basis, with each group using a laptop to display digital images.

Photoshop: 19 Sept 23

A hands-on workshop for members to learn some basic skills in Photoshop.

Lightroom: 17 October 23

A hands-on workshop following on from Robin Whalley’s talk on 26 September.


14 November 23

A hands-on workshop was held for members to learn some basic skills in macro photography. Macro lenses, extension tubes and different types of lighting were available. Topics included stacking, slide copying, flowers and insects.


30 JANUARY 2024

A hands-on workshop for members to learn some basic skills in portrait lighting.

We plan to have at least two sets of lights available, with models, for members to try out.

Tabletop Photography:

12 March

A hands-on workshop was held for members to learn some basic skills in tabletop photography.